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Coping Strategies

How you respond in stressful situations

As Nelson Mandela’s quote below conveys, courage isn’t a lack of fear, but rather an effective response to it. Similarly, we might be better if we didn’t seek to avoid stress but rather worked to develop better responses to it.

“Coping” might be a word that you associate with something serious, but it really just refers to how you handle a difficult situation. This could be anything from having a tough assignment to figuring out how to pay your rent. In either case, it’s not so much the seriousness of the issue as how you figure out your response. 


The resources below can help you understand how to better do that. Though it’s much better to work on those skills now than to wait for a problem to show up.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. 
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela

How can I improve my Coping Strategies?

Strategies to Use

  • First, it’s important to know yourself. There are some common ways that people tend to respond to stress:

  • Some good ways are to either make a plan to address your source of stress or to ask someone else for help in doing so. (If Coping Strategies were a strength for you, you likely do this already.)

  • Some less helpful ways include avoiding the problem or reacting emotionally. If Coping Strategies were an opportunity for you, this maybe describes your tendencies.

  • So, the next time you find yourself stressed, first ask yourself: “What can I do to address this?” If you can’t come up with an answer, that’s completely fine. The next question should be: “Who can I ask for help?”


Resources at EPCC

  • The EPCC Counseling Department is in place to assist you in reaching your educational and professional goals. Counselors can assist you with career choice, personal issues, or any academic struggles you might encounter.

  • To initiate a fruitful first-year experience for First-Time in College (FTIC) students, EPCC offers an interdisciplinary First-Year Experience Academic Coaching seminar.

  • The purpose of this seminar is to allow FTIC students to meet peers who share similar interests; have built-in study groups and support, and guide students to successfully complete courses that apply to their major. This seminar is designed to broaden academic effectiveness to make the curriculum appropriate and relevant for the everyday lives of our students. With the faculty’s collaborative efforts and assistance, we ensure that Early Alert provides the Best Start.   

To schedule a Coaching Appointment, click here.

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